8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
HS District Solo and Ensemble
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78626594 for more information!
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Onsted High School BOW BG V Away Madison Jamboree @ Lenawee Rec
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78827461 for more information!
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Onsted High School WR B MS Away Manchester MS Invitational
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78958190 for more information!
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Onsted High School WR B V Away LCAA Wrestling Tourney at Madison
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/77977281 for more information!
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Onsted High School CCH G V Away Hustle at the Hive Invitational
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78796887 for more information!
12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B JV Home Michigan Center High School
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78246191 for more information!
1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V Home Michigan Center High School
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78246178 for more information!
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Open Gym - Rumsey
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78923089 for more information!
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Open Gym - Hutchison
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78979626 for more information!
12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Open Gym - Branch
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78844092 for more information!
12:30 PM to 2:30 PM
Hovermale - Cobras
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79069215 for more information!
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Youth BB - Gast
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78979598 for more information!
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78890687 for more information!
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78890714 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Rivera - Cobras
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79069275 for more information!
6:45 AM to 8:45 AM
a.m. Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529530 for more information!
1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
SEL Groups grades 1-5 (Upp)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78725317 for more information!
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM
pm Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529028 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
OMS Talent Show Practice (Wetherby)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79191564 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B JV (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78891984 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78891923 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B MS (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892203 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B V (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78834538 for more information!
3:15 PM to 5:15 PM
OMS BIT Meeting (Ellison)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78536732 for more information!
3:15 PM to 5:15 PM
Onsted High School CCH G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78803882 for more information!
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Onsted High School BOW BG V Bowling Practice @ TenPin Alley (Practice)
Location: 5621 Occidental Rd Tecumseh, MI 49268
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78834371 for more information!
4:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Buckle Up Driver Education
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79277121 for more information!
4:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892032 for more information!
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G 7 Away Hudson Area Schools
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78248692 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79248151 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB G JV Away Jonesville High School (non-league)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78399001 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Hovermale - Cobras
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79069293 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Youth Boys Basketball - Cunningham
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79015015 for more information!
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB G 8 Away Hudson Area Schools
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/77063336 for more information!
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Pickleball (Cook)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78765971 for more information!
6:45 AM to 8:45 AM
a.m. Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529531 for more information!
7:30 AM to 9:30 AM
Red Cross Blood Drive
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79156397 for more information!
8:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Admin Mtg
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78617262 for more information!
1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
SEL Groups grades 1-5 (Upp)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78725318 for more information!
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM
pm Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529029 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
OMS Talent Show Practice (Wetherby)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79191565 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G JV (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892083 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G MS (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78801687 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892033 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B MS (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892204 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B V (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78834539 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Wildcat Scholars Club (Slater/Berndt)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79158182 for more information!
3:15 PM to 5:15 PM
Onsted High School CCH G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78803883 for more information!
4:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Buckle Up Driver Education
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79277141 for more information!
4:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB B JV (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78891985 for more information!
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B V (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79063650 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Club Wrestling (Herdus)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79222943 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Hovermale - Cobras
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79069324 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78891924 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Youth BKB Skills Session (Jori)
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79299910 for more information!
6:45 AM to 8:45 AM
a.m. Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529532 for more information!
8:15 AM to 10:15 AM
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78289622 for more information!
1:10 PM to 3:10 PM
TLC Banking
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78810560 for more information!
1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
SEL Groups grades 1-5 (Upp)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78725319 for more information!
1:50 PM to 3:50 PM
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78522406 for more information!
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Meeting (P Stark)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79299791 for more information!
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM
pm Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529030 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
HS BIT Meetings
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78956516 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
OMS Talent Show Practice (Wetherby)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79191566 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B JV (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78891986 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78891925 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G JV (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892084 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892034 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B MS (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892205 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Wildcat Scholars Club (Slater/Berndt)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79158183 for more information!
3:40 PM to 5:40 PM
Onsted High School BOW BG V Away Hudson Area Schools (@ Hillsdale Lanes)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78830153 for more information!
4:15 PM to 6:15 PM
Girls Basketball Team Dinners
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79064848 for more information!
4:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Buckle Up Driver Education
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79293135 for more information!
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G 7 Home Hillsdale HS
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78248693 for more information!
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B MS Away LCAA MS Jamboree @ Hillsdale
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78725600 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79248152 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Onsted High School CCH G V Home Onsted Jamboree
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/77357605 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Youth Basketball - Cunningham
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79015048 for more information!
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB G 8 Home Hillsdale HS
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/77063340 for more information!
6:45 AM to 8:45 AM
a.m. Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529533 for more information!
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
100th Day of School
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79265220 for more information!
1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
SEL Groups grades 1-5 (Upp)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78725320 for more information!
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM
pm Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529031 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
OMS Talent Show Practice (Wetherby)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79191567 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School CCH G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78803885 for more information!
3:40 PM to 5:40 PM
Onsted High School BOW BG V Away Clinton HS/MS (@ Ten Pin Alley)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78830234 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Club Wrestling (Herdus)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79222944 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB G JV Home Hillsdale HS
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78246202 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Onsted High School WR B V Away MHSAA Districts @ CCHS
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79252735 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Onsted Band Parent Meeting
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78659507 for more information!
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V Home Hillsdale HS
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78246201 for more information!
6:45 AM to 8:45 AM
a.m. Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529534 for more information!
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Mathcounts Competition (Regional) Smith
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78784504 for more information!
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Paw Partner Mtg (Holm)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78584276 for more information!
1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
SEL Groups grades 1-5 (Upp)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78725321 for more information!
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM
pm Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529032 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
OMS Dance
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79258755 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G JV (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892086 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G MS (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78801689 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892036 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B MS (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892207 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B V (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78834542 for more information!
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
OSO Soccer Clinic
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79018575 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79248153 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB B JV Away Hillsdale HS
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78246223 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Onsted High School CCH G V Away Cheer For Charity @ CCHS
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78796901 for more information!
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V Away Hillsdale HS
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78246222 for more information!
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Onsted High School BOW G V Away Lenawee County Girls Scratch Tournament @ Rich Lanes
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79076088 for more information!
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Onsted MS 7th/8th Band Lock In
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78789251 for more information!
9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Onsted High School WR B V Away MHSAA Individual Districts @ Williamston HS
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79252807 for more information!
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Onsted High School CCH G V Away Tri County Championship @ Hudson
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78796916 for more information!
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Youth Baseball (George)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79321314 for more information!
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Onsted High School BOW B V Away Lenawee County Boys Scratch Tournament @ Blissfield
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79076095 for more information!
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Open Gym - Rumsey
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78923090 for more information!
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Tjolsen -baseball session
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79317079 for more information!
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Open Gym - Hutchison
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78979627 for more information!
12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Open Gym - Branch
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78844093 for more information!
12:30 PM to 2:30 PM
Hovermale - Cobras
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79069216 for more information!
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Youth BB - Gast
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78979599 for more information!
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78890688 for more information!
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78890715 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Rivera - Cobras
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79069276 for more information!
6:45 AM to 8:45 AM
a.m. Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529535 for more information!
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Dental Health Visit/Lesson (Wagner's class)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79301722 for more information!
12:30 PM to 2:30 PM
MS Virtual Fundraiser Kick Off (Ellison)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78006508 for more information!
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM
pm Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529033 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
OMS Talent Show Practice (Wetherby)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79191568 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B JV (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78891989 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78891928 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B MS (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892208 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B V (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78834543 for more information!
3:15 PM to 5:15 PM
Onsted High School CCH G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78797623 for more information!
3:40 PM to 5:40 PM
Onsted High School BOW BG V Away Hudson Area Schools (@ Hudson Lanes)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78830308 for more information!
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G 7 Away Dundee High School
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78248694 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79248154 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB G JV Away Sand Creek High School
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78248612 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
PTO Mtg (Courington)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79170428 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Rivera - Cobras
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79069294 for more information!
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB G 8 Away Dundee High School
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/77063341 for more information!
6:45 PM to 8:45 PM
4-H Meeting (Brayton)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78596357 for more information!
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V Away Sand Creek High School
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78248611 for more information!
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Pickleball (Cook)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78765972 for more information!
6:45 AM to 8:45 AM
a.m. Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529536 for more information!
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM
pm Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529034 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
OMS Talent Show Practice (Wetherby)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79191569 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G MS (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78801690 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B MS (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892209 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B V (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78834544 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Wildcat Scholars Club (Slater/Berndt)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79158184 for more information!
3:15 PM to 5:15 PM
OMS Staff Meeting (Ellison)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78536689 for more information!
3:15 PM to 5:15 PM
Onsted High School CCH G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78803888 for more information!
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B V (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79063652 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Club Wrestling (Herdus)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79222945 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB B JV Home Hudson Area Schools
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78246256 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB G JV Away Hudson Area Schools
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78248426 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Youth BKB Skills Session (Jori)
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79300304 for more information!
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V Home Hudson Area Schools
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78246253 for more information!
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V Away Hudson Area Schools
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/77056537 for more information!
6:45 AM to 8:45 AM
a.m. Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529537 for more information!
10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
SEL 1st Grade (Upp)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79200884 for more information!
1:10 PM to 3:10 PM
TLC Banking
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78810561 for more information!
1:50 PM to 3:50 PM
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78522407 for more information!
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM
pm Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529035 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
OMS Talent Show Practice (Wetherby)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79191570 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G JV (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892089 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892039 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B MS (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892210 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B V (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78834545 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Wildcat Scholars Club (Slater/Berndt)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79158185 for more information!
3:15 PM to 5:15 PM
Onsted High School CCH G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78803889 for more information!
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78891930 for more information!
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Onsted High School BOW BG V Bowling Practice @ TenPin Alley (Practice)
Location: 5621 Occidental Rd Tecumseh, MI 49268
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78834375 for more information!
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G 7 Home Madison MS/HS (Adrian)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78248695 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79248155 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB B JV (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78891991 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Youth BKB Skills Session (Jori)
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79300307 for more information!
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB G 8 Home Madison MS/HS (Adrian)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/77063348 for more information!
6:45 AM to 8:45 AM
a.m. Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529538 for more information!
8:10 AM to 10:10 AM
6-12th grade Band to Adrian Symphony Concert
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78627501 for more information!
11:30 AM to 1:30 PM
Onsted High School CCH G V (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78803890 for more information!
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM
pm Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529036 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
OMS Talent Show Practice (Wetherby)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79191571 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78891931 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B V (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78834546 for more information!
3:40 PM to 5:40 PM
Onsted High School BOW BG V Home Blissfield Schools (@ Ten Pin Alley)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78830313 for more information!
4:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB B JV (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78891992 for more information!
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B MS Away LCAA MS Jamboree @ Blissfield
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78725621 for more information!
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B V (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79063653 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Club Wrestling (Herdus)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79222946 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB G JV Home Ida Public Schools
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78248427 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Rivera - Cobras
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79069356 for more information!
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V Home Ida Public Schools
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/77056543 for more information!
6:45 AM to 8:45 AM
a.m. Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529539 for more information!
11:20 AM to 1:20 PM
Onsted High School BKB G JV (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892091 for more information!
11:20 AM to 1:20 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892041 for more information!
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM
pm Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529037 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G MS (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78801692 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B MS (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892212 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B V (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78834547 for more information!
3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Onsted High School CCH G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78803891 for more information!
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
OSO Soccer Clinic
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79018576 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79248156 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB B JV Away Ida Public Schools
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78246273 for more information!
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V Away Ida Public Schools
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/77056487 for more information!
9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Onsted High School WR B MS Away LCAA/TCC Wrestling Invite @ Dundee
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78725636 for more information!
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Onsted High School CCH G V Away MHSAA Districts @ Grosse Ile HS
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79252853 for more information!
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Tjolsen -baseball session
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79307860 for more information!
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Open Gym - Rumsey
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78923091 for more information!
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Open Gym - Hutchison
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78979628 for more information!
12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Open Gym - Branch
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78844094 for more information!
12:30 PM to 2:30 PM
Hovermale - Cobras
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79069217 for more information!
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Youth BB - Gast
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78979600 for more information!
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78890689 for more information!
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78890716 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Rivera - Cobras
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79069277 for more information!
6:45 AM to 8:45 AM
a.m. Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529540 for more information!
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Onsted High School CCH G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78797625 for more information!
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B JV (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78891994 for more information!
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78891933 for more information!
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G JV (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892092 for more information!
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892042 for more information!
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM
pm Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529038 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
OMS Talent Show Practice (Wetherby)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79191572 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B V (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78834548 for more information!
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Onsted High School BOW BG V Bowling Practice @ TenPin Alley (Practice)
Location: 5621 Occidental Rd Tecumseh, MI 49268
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78834377 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Hovermale - Cobras
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79069295 for more information!
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
OCS Board of Education Meeting
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78826999 for more information!
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Pickleball (Cook)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78765973 for more information!
6:45 AM to 8:45 AM
a.m. Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529541 for more information!
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
WIDA Testing (Holt)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79349169 for more information!
8:20 AM to 10:20 AM
7/8 Grade Band to U of M Clinic
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78668822 for more information!
1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
SEL Groups grades 1-5 (Upp)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78725328 for more information!
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM
pm Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529039 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
OMS Talent Show Practice (Wetherby)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79191573 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G MS (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78801693 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B MS (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892214 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B V (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78834549 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Wildcat Scholars Club (Slater/Berndt)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79158186 for more information!
3:15 PM to 5:15 PM
Little Mermaid Rehearsals
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79334046 for more information!
3:15 PM to 5:15 PM
Onsted High School CCH G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78803894 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Club Wrestling (Herdus)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79222947 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB B JV Away Clinton HS/MS
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78246356 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB G JV Home Clinton HS/MS
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78248446 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Youth BKB Skills Session (Jori)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79300319 for more information!
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V Away Clinton HS/MS
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/77056489 for more information!
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V Home Clinton HS/MS
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/77056545 for more information!
6:45 AM to 8:45 AM
a.m. Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529542 for more information!
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
OMS Grade Level Meetings (Ellison)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78536642 for more information!
1:10 PM to 3:10 PM
TLC Banking
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78810562 for more information!
1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
SEL Groups grades 1-5 (Upp)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78725329 for more information!
1:50 PM to 3:50 PM
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78522408 for more information!
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM
pm Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529040 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
OMS Talent Show Practice (Wetherby)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79191574 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78891935 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G JV (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892094 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892044 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B MS (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892215 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B V (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78834550 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Parent Advisory Mtg (VanderVelde)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79266472 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Wildcat Scholars Club (Slater/Berndt)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79158187 for more information!
3:15 PM to 5:15 PM
Little Mermaid Rehearsals
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79334047 for more information!
3:15 PM to 5:15 PM
Onsted High School CCH G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78803895 for more information!
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Onsted High School BOW BG V Bowling Practice @ TenPin Alley (Practice)
Location: 5621 Occidental Rd Tecumseh, MI 49268
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78834378 for more information!
4:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB B JV (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78891996 for more information!
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G 7 Home Ida Public Schools
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78248696 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79248158 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Band Booster Meeting
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78639779 for more information!
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB G 8 Home Ida Public Schools
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/77063352 for more information!
6:45 AM to 8:45 AM
a.m. Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529543 for more information!
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Onsted High School BOW BG V Away MHSAA Regionals @Royal Scot Lanes
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79338206 for more information!
1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
SEL Groups grades 1-5 (Upp)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78725330 for more information!
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM
pm Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529041 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
OMS Robotics Club(Hildreth)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79308370 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
OMS Talent Show Practice (Wetherby)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79191575 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G JV (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892095 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G MS (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78801694 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892045 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B MS (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892216 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B V (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78834551 for more information!
3:15 PM to 5:15 PM
Little Mermaid Rehearsals
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79334048 for more information!
3:15 PM to 5:15 PM
Onsted High School CCH G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78803896 for more information!
4:15 PM to 6:15 PM
Girls Basketball Team Dinners
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79064849 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Club Wrestling (Herdus)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79222948 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB B JV Home Grosse Ile HS/MS
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78246366 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Hovermale - Cobras
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79069357 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Youth BKB Skills Session (Jori)
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79300328 for more information!
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V Home Grosse Ile HS/MS
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78246364 for more information!
6:45 AM to 8:45 AM
a.m. Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529544 for more information!
1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
SEL Groups grades 1-5 (Upp)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78725331 for more information!
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM
pm Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529042 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78891937 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G MS (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78801695 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B MS (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892217 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School WR B V (Practice)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78834552 for more information!
3:15 PM to 5:15 PM
Little Mermaid Rehearsals
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79334049 for more information!
3:15 PM to 5:15 PM
Onsted High School CCH G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78803897 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79248159 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB G JV Away Dundee High School
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78248435 for more information!
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V Away Dundee High School
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/77056550 for more information!
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Onsted High School WR B MS Away JR JAWS @ Parkside MS
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78725648 for more information!
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Tjolsen -senior session
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79346496 for more information!
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Open Gym - Rumsey
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78923092 for more information!
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Open Gym - Hutchison
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78979629 for more information!
12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Open Gym - Branch
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78844095 for more information!
12:30 PM to 2:30 PM
Hovermale - Cobras
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79069218 for more information!
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Volleyball (Wobrock)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78923506 for more information!
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Youth BB - Gast
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78979601 for more information!
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78890690 for more information!
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78890717 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Rivera - Cobras
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79069278 for more information!
6:45 AM to 8:45 AM
a.m. Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529545 for more information!
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM
pm Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529043 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
OMS Talent Show Practice (Wetherby)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79191576 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78891938 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G JV (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892097 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892047 for more information!
3:15 PM to 5:15 PM
Little Mermaid Rehearsals
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79334050 for more information!
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Onsted High School BOW BG V Bowling Practice @ TenPin Alley (Practice)
Location: 5621 Occidental Rd Tecumseh, MI 49268
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78834380 for more information!
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G 7 Away Hillsdale HS
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78248705 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79248160 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Hovermale - Cobras
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79069296 for more information!
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB G 8 Away Hillsdale HS
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/77063355 for more information!
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Pickleball (Cook)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78765974 for more information!
6:45 AM to 8:45 AM
a.m. Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529546 for more information!
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM
pm Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529044 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
OMS Talent Show Practice (Wetherby)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79191577 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78891939 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G MS (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78801696 for more information!
3:10 PM to 5:10 PM
Elem Staff Mtg
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78620982 for more information!
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G JV Away Ann Arbor Greenhills
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78624634 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Club Wrestling (Herdus)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79222949 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Rivera - Cobras
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79069325 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Youth BKB Skills Session (Jori)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79300340 for more information!
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V Away Ann Arbor Greenhills
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78624633 for more information!
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
OMS/OHS Pre-Festival Band Concert
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78659808 for more information!
6:45 AM to 8:45 AM
a.m. Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529547 for more information!
10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
SEL 1st Grade (Upp)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79200888 for more information!
1:10 PM to 3:10 PM
TLC Banking
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78810563 for more information!
1:50 PM to 3:50 PM
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78522409 for more information!
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM
pm Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529045 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
OMS Talent Show Practice (Wetherby)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79191578 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G JV (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892099 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78892049 for more information!
3:15 PM to 5:15 PM
Little Mermaid Rehearsals
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79334051 for more information!
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Onsted High School BOW BG V Bowling Practice @ TenPin Alley (Practice)
Location: 5621 Occidental Rd Tecumseh, MI 49268
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78834381 for more information!
4:15 PM to 6:15 PM
Girls Basketball Team Dinners
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79064850 for more information!
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G 7 Home Dundee High School
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78248697 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79248161 for more information!
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Youth BKB Skills Session (Jori)
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79300343 for more information!
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB G 8 Home Dundee High School
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/77063360 for more information!
6:45 AM to 8:45 AM
a.m. Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529548 for more information!
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM
pm Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529046 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Kiwanis Builders Club Meeting (Anderson)
Location: 10109 Slee Rd # 10 Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79240905 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
OMS Robotics Club(Hildreth)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79308371 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
OMS Talent Show Practice (Wetherby)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79191579 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB B V (Practice)
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78891941 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G MS (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78801697 for more information!
3:15 PM to 5:15 PM
Little Mermaid Rehearsals
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79334052 for more information!
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
MSBOA District Band Festival Dates
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78627223 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Club Wrestling (Herdus)
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79222950 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Onsted High School BKB G JV Home Lenawee Christian School
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78200227 for more information!
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G V Home Lenawee Christian School
Location: 10109 SLEE RD ONSTED, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78200226 for more information!
6:45 AM to 8:45 AM
a.m. Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529549 for more information!
2:45 PM to 4:45 PM
pm Latchkey
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78529047 for more information!
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Onsted High School BKB G MS (Practice)
Location: 10109 Slee Road Onsted, MI 49265
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78801698 for more information!
3:15 PM to 5:15 PM
Little Mermaid Rehearsals
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79334053 for more information!
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
MSBOA District Band Festival Dates
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78627224 for more information!
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Onsted High School BOW BG V Bowling Practice @ TenPin Alley (Practice)
Location: 5621 Occidental Rd Tecumseh, MI 49268
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/78834382 for more information!
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Calendar: District Calendar
Visit https://onstedathletics.com/main/event/scid/MI492659321/eventid/79248162 for more information!