2024-2025 Registration Process
NEW STUDENTS who are currently not attending any Onsted class, please follow these steps:
1. All incoming families need to register through the online Infinite Campus portal: https://onstedmi.infinitecampus.org/campus/OLRLogin/onsted
2. Please click this Google link to finish the registration process: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe00o3DP6XS0jbor58FYxfT5BS2p9knW0WYJ1ztMkg1FRNDDg/viewform?usp=sf_link
3. In addition to these two links, we need the following documents:
Birth Certificate
Immunization Records
Parent Driver License
Proof of Residency (bill showing parent name and address)
Signed FERPA (completed at Onsted, at Open House)
Completed Health appraisal (completed at Onsted, at Open House)
Kindergarten students also need a hearing and vision screening. Please schedule an appointment at the health department, (517) 264-5226, for these screenings.
If your child will be 3 or 4 years old, we have an amazing preschool program. Please click here to start registration for PRESCHOOL.
We are excited to welcome you to Onsted Community Schools—home of the WILDCATS!